Monthly Archives: February 2013

Broward County School Board Chair, Laurie Rich Levinson, Meets with Live Well Lauerhill Teens


Earlier in February, some of the Live Well Lauderhill teen leaders met with School Board Chair Laurie Rich Levinson and Broward County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Service Director Mary Mulder. Broward County Public Schools sought out honest and open feedback from the students regarding their school provided meals.

The teen leaders were excited to see healthier fruits and vegetables offered during breakfast and lunch. They offered ideas and suggestions about how to incorporate more options into what is being served. The students were excited to be introduced to new fruits and vegetables. Several of the teen leaders have said that the healthier options have allowed them to try new items that are outside of their comfort zone.

Jasmine Carter said that her favorite lunch items are the salad entrees. She suggested that the BCPS start expanding their salad menu so that more kids would be open to trying the salads.

Jasmine has been invited by BCPS to serve on a healthy vending task force as a student leader. There she will provide innovative ideas on how to incorporate healthy vending options to the school meals.

Live Well Lauderhill is looking forward to our ongoing partnership with Broward County Public Schools to increase opportunities for healthy eating in the school setting.

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